What Do CASAs Do?

What Does A CASA Do?
After being appointed by a Juvenile Court Judge, a CASA:
  • Gathers all pertinent information related to the child’s case. Identifies the child’s needs and ensures appropriate services
  • Makes recommendations to the court judge through written and verbal reports
  • Serves as a consistent & knowledgeable advocate for the child’s placement in a safe, permanent and nurturing home
Who Are the Children?
  • Children in the juvenile court dependency system due to allegations of abuse or neglect against their parents. This includes        physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, or witnessing domestic violence.
  • Children between the ages of 0-18 (sometimes 21 if the child is still in school, in a treatment facility, or has a disability).

Why Do We Need CASAs?
  • The presiding judge relies on the CASA to investigate the case and recommend what is in the child’s best interest.
  • CASAs strive to make sure children are not re-abused
  • CASAs ensure children receive needed services (therapy, health care, special education)
  • CASAs are often the only consistent person in an abused child’s life